Wow, I have been a complete blogger slacker lately!! So here is a little update entry on us:
We've been busy, busy, busy, but not a whole lot of interesting things have been going with us: Shad has been plugging away at school, and is getting ready for finals this week. (Yes they are ALREADY here!!) So please remember him in your prayers, because this semester has been a tough one! And he could use all the support he can get. Its going to be a rough couple of weeks. And I'm still working, what feels like all the time! And we are slowly getting ready for baby as the due date quickly approaches! I cannot believe this little boy will be here in just a couple short months!! We've gotten a lot of the big stuff like the crib, stroller, car seat, swing, etc. But babies sure come with a LOT of stuff!! But we are gearing up to meet him, and bring him home.
In gearing up for baby I decided a couple weeks ago to expand my sewing "skills"... and well, anyone who really knows me, knows that I am NOT a talented sewer or real "homemakey." But my dear friend Marilyn volunteered her time and talents to me one Saturday and we spent a couple of hours sewing these burp rags, we made about 10 ( I wanted to start off small and simple!):
They didn't come out perfect by any means, but the more I look at them, the more I like them. Not too bad for a beginner... I guess!?!
So in reading the title, you might be wondering who Herman is. Well, Herman is our newest family addition, our pet Giraffe. He comes along with a pretty funny story, but let me preface it with the fact that I LOVE giraffes, they have always been my favorite at the zoo, and slowly I have been accumulating giraffe/jungle stuff for baby and baby's room. ( As you can see above in the burp rags, and the stroller/car seat set we bought.): Last week I came home to a Fed Ex sticker on the door saying I had a package to pick up in the office. I was a little puzzled, but then I remembered I had ordered some baby stuff online a while ago so I assumed that was what the package was. I waited for Shad to get home and on our way to run some errands we went to pick up our package. We get to the office the the lady there says "Oh yes, its a good thing that BOTH of you came to pick this up" and them proceeds to come out dragging a large box. About 5 feet tall, and 3 feet wide. Umm.... excuse me?!? Shad and I look at each other in pure confusing and give out a nervous laugh. I'm thinking this cannot possibly be the package that we are supposed to pick up! But sure enough it was address to Krista McOmber, coming from 'Benefit Healthcare' in Great Falls, MT! (Still even more puzzling...WHAT!?!) The lady seeing our sheer shock and confusion laughed and said, "Maybe its something for baby!" So Shad and I hauled the large package back to our apartment, it wouldn't even fit in our car! (Luckily it was quite light!) As soon as we walk in the door Shad and I in utter confusion and curiosity ripped into the package immediately to find this:
A five foot Giraffe!?!?! First we laugh and laugh so hard, but eventually I put the pieces together: my father is a regional manager and travels often to Great Falls, MT for work and had called me last week for my address. I call him up, and sure enough he had seen the Giraffe at one of his hospitals' gift shops, and knew it would be perfect for babies room! What a great Grandpa! We love him, and thought Herman was the perfect name. Dignified, yet playful. We've accepted him into the family, and know he will be a hit with little baby McOmber!! Love it!
This just shows how tall Herman really is:
He's pretty awesome:
Our Thanksgiving post, yet to come. :)
Oh my goodness! That giraffe is SO GREAT! It made me Laugh so hard! I'm sure your little boy will get a kick climbing all over that thing. I know Alice would :P We're so excited for you little baby boy to come!!! :) It looks like only about 10 weeks to go!!! YAY!!!
this makes me so happy! i laughed so hard at that one. Your boy is going to LOVE it! and if he doesn't i'll take him, hah. so excited for you again!
That is so awesome! So sad we don't see your parents like we did in WA :( That is such a funny story! I freakin' love the theme for the little man, and the burp rags are so adorable! Oh - we put Spokane in for a top base - it is Trak's fav for all the cool stuff there! We would SO love to be that close to you guys!
HOLY MOLY OF HUGE !!!! I love it... is it sad that I want it? haha Did I know they were your fav at the zoo?! They're MINE TOO!! That's amazing. Sweet gift. Kudos Gpa!
Herman is awesome! I love that he is almost as tall as Shad. And sweet burp rags, you don't really have to worry what they look like now because they are going to get all messy anyways.
What a fabulous surprise present from Grandpa! That's so fun. And I love your burp rags, now I'm going to have to make some for our little boy! I love that I'm only 4 weeks behind you, it makes me so excited for BOTH of us!
Ah! Grandpa is very excited, isn't he?! That is an awesome giraffe! I can hardly wait to come see you and the little one in a few months!
The burp rags look great Krista! Thanks for sharing!:}
dude that is SWEET!!!! I want it, just to have it ha ha Sean and I were walking around FAO Swartz the other day and looiking at all the huge stuffed animals...yeah, we can't afford them ha ha But seriously, that is freakin awesome!! I love your dad!!! ha ha Almost time for baby to be here :D :D :D YAY!!!!
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