Monday, April 11, 2011

Lake Chelan

Last weekend, conference weekend, Shad and I traveled over to Lake Chelan with two other couples from law school. Lake Chelan is north/central WA up by the Cascades (click here for the map/info). We rented out a condo for the weekend, stocked up on TONS of food for all of us, packed up our things and our little boys (yes, we ALL have boys!) and took the 3 hour drive over there. We had three familes: 6 adults, 5 kiddos. Shad and I mainly wanted to do this trip as a last hang out with our good friends here before we move in a couple weeks. Shad had a BIG project due on the Monday after, and he wanted to get it finished before we left, but no such luck. So he spent A LOT of time over the weekend working on that. And since I was still working on some sleep/nap training with Owen I wasn't willing to skip out on naps and such... meaning... we ended up spending lots of time indoors. But we had so much fun eating lots of food, staying up late, playing games, talking, and laughing! Come to think of it I really should have taken more pictures of us just hanging out in the NICE condo, because that is what most of the weekend consisted of. But here are some pics I got to document the weekend, the time we spent outdoors! :)

The view from our condo, walking out the front door:

The first day most of us walked down to the beach to take a look around. The boys loved "skipping" rocks and throwing other things into the water. (Landon & Elliot are twins)




Brooks and Shelci (Parents to Landon and Elliot!):

The water was super low, because it is still so early in the spring, so the beach was full of shells:

Later the guys went out and took some evening pics:

The next day we scouted a hike we all wanted to do. Unfortuately, it turned out to be more of a drive to the top. But we all got out and explored anyway.

Owen LOVED hiking around and being strapped on our backs:

He had this little self satisfied smirk on his face the entire hike!

Harrison wasn't a big fan of the "hike":

This is Mason (Harrison's little brother), he was pretty chill the entire weekend! I just loved his little eyes peeking out at me!

The View:
Shad later decided along with Brooks and Shelci that he wanted to hike up to the tippy top (Where those two trees are in the back of this pic) It had a lot of up and down that you can't see in this picture. So I stayed behind with the others and Owen.
Here is the view from the tippy top:

We did end up having a good time despite traveling with a sleep deprived Owen (and mommy!) and Shad's looming project. It was fun to just getaway and enjoy the time with our friends. We are sure going to miss them!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Wow. That is beautiful. I am sad that the next time we go to Spokane you won't be there, although I'm excited for you guys to be moving on to bigger and better things!