Also, I accidentally left my camera in the car! So we had to take pictures with Shad's phone at the game. But we defiantly had to document that moment with the score. I can't believe we won by a blocked field kick... again!! During the game my heart was beating in overdrive, it was too intense to handle. But it all came down the last few seconds! We were celebrating with all the other thousands of BYU fans that were there. Waving out BYU flag, jumping, and screaming! Then the BYU football players came over and high five-d all the fans, and made made a run around the stadium. Oh man, it was awesome.
We also took some pictures of us after the game in my parents back yard. They have an amazing view of Mt. Rainer, and we had to show off all our BYU gear! BYU Flip Flops, and earrings! Go Cougs!
When did you guys get that awesome BYU flag? I don't remember seeing it at the games in Provo? Okay I tagged you (Rachel tagged me first) so now you have to answer the same questions on your blog. So Tag, your it.
I LOVE it! I'm so glad you got to go to a BYU game this year! And I'm so glad we won! HORRAY!
You guys are so hard core, that's awesome that 1. you went to the game and 2. it turned out to be a sweet one! It's so fun to see your apartment and life away from p-town. We miss yall but I'm so glad you've got a blog so we can keep up!
My dad and brothers were totally at that game. They told me all about, they said it was a pretty crazy game. I'm glad you guys got to attend!!!!
I REALLY enjoy your pics :) You guys are super cute. I'm glad you were there representing BYU fans. Were there a lot of BYU people? I'm soooooooo jealous I wasn't there!
You guys are crazy, I love it! I loved that BYU onesie you sent bella. I was sad when she outgrew it. I can't believe you have BYU flip flops and earings. I love your passion!
You are lucky the game was so close and you were able to go. Hey, it was fun meeting you and hanging out on Saturday. I am sure there will be many more fun weekends to follow.
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