Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Closing Out the Summer

Remember when I used to be good at blogging!? Good grief. I'm ashamed. Its not even about time anymore, its just being unmotivated and lazy. But I am determined to get caught up someday, this is my journal, dang it! 

Ok, let's see where did we leave off... ah, yes August. 

Closing out the summer. Here is what happened in August/September. The condensed, quick version! 

The boys played trains... a lot. 

The boys did great on their first trip to the dentist!

 We baked lazy Sunday morning muffins

We ate ice cream... a lot of ice cream! 

My best friend Kambria came into town! And we showered her baby boy with gifts and love! So excited for Baby Boy Thomas!!!!! I've been waiting forever to finally be an 'Aunt'! 

We love Aunt Kambria! Its always so fun when she comes into town, I hardly get to see her, and I cherish each moment when I do! 

Kambria also came into town for our dear, dear friend Alyssa's wedding. It was such a fun night to celebrate Alyssa and Brett! 

She was a gorgeous bride! 

Alyssa had NEVER seen Frozen, which is basically a crime. Especially since she teaches the 2nd grade and must be in the know. Owen made it his personal responsibility to make sure she saw it in style! We had a fun movie day together. 
The spread Owen helped me put together. He even made her a movie ticket. 

Kaisa seriously loves this movie. 

Of course, one of my favorite days of the year... BYU Football started! 

We all love cheering on our Cougars! 

For Christmas last year I got Shad some great Mariner tickets. We finally redeemed them in September. It was such a fun game, and so fun to sit so close! 

At the beginning of September Owen left on a special Grandma/Owen TWO WEEK trip to Michigan to visit my grandma and other extended family. Owen is such a fun travel buddy, and he absolutely LOVED every minute of his family time with grandma. What a spoiled little boy! We missed him terribly, and the two weeks seemed to crawl... for me! But I am glad he was able to have such a special time with my mom and sweet grandma. 

Such a good, cute little traveler! He really is great on trips. 

While Owen was gone Nathan got some special Mommy/Daddy outings. Mainly consisting of pizza or ice cream outings! He sure missed his big brother. But he took good care of Kaisa with me. Those two really have a cute brother/sister relationship. I love watching them. 

Since this was 6 months ago, I am not great on the details of everything, which is why we have the short version of our late summer fun. Ha. 

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