Friday, February 27, 2015

Owen's First Day of Preschool 2014

Owen went to preschool for the first time beginning in January 2014. However, it was a preschool run out of a friend's home, and he loved it. Sadly, she decided that it was time for her to move forward and do something else in the fall. I knew that preschool would be good for Owen, and I wanted something a little more structured then a co-op or preschool with church friends. I found a program through the local school district called the Peer Model Preschool program. 4 days a week for 2.5 hours. It seemed perfect! It was at the elementary school that Owen would be attending next year, so I really wanted to use this year a trail run for kindergarten next year! 

Owen started the school year a little later, because he missed the first two weeks due to his trip with Grandma. But it worked out. Owen has a great teacher, Ms. Maki. And he really seems to like her. The class has been good for him to meet other kids his age, new friends and go outside his comfort zone. It is also good for me to know that he is learning how to follow instructions and listen to other adults. The teachers also seem to love him there! He's just so smart, who wouldn't!? 

Owen's first day in Ms. Maki's class: September 23, 2014. Isn't he just the cutest little preschooler around!? ;) 

I'm still battling with the idea of homeschooling next year. All day kindergarten is daunting to me. And although Owen does well at preschool, he asks me everyday NOT to go. (Even though once he's there, he is fine.) But I really feel like Owen would excel with homeschooling, at least for a year or two. This year's preschool has been a very good trial run at public elementary school, and has given me a clearer idea of what I'd like to do next year. I cannot believe I am already making these sorts of decisions! They seemed so far off, and now here we are! Wow. 

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