Sunday, February 6, 2011

One Year Ago...

...Our little Owen was born. [sniff.] 2/6/2010 at 2:20 PM, 6 pounds 12 oz, 19.5 inches long...

Now he is officially our little ONE YEAR OLD!!! WOW. A lot can change in a year!

Dear Owen,

I know every mother says this, but I CANNOT believe that you are ONE year old today. Once you were born, I have been sucked into a time warp, where weeks go by like days. Goodness. This year has flown by. I cannot believe a year ago, on SuperBowl Sunday your father and I brought our little 1 day old son home from the hospital, and NO clue what the next year had in store for us! It has been the best, most rewarding year of my life AND the most difficult year! Being your mother has made me into a better person and is the greatest blessing I have ever experienced. You are my life.

So much has changed in one year. W.O.W! You are turning into such a big boy! You love all things boy: cars, books, blocks, throwing things, balls, yelling and laughing! I know once you learn to walk, you will learn to RUN! You are just a little mover and shaker! However, you do things in your own time. You were not quick to crawl, and I'm sure you won't be quick to walk. You may be small, but you are sure feisty! You keep up with the big boys, and even though its not my favorite thing you can defend yourself pretty well and take care of yourself! You are so busy all the time, constantly into everything and anything. Your personality is coming out so strong and you have such a charm. You love to get your way, and you can charm anyone into getting it! You are such a flirt with all the ladies! You love to give a bashful smile, and laugh and before you know they melt for you!

You are still a momma's boy. You still cannot stand it when I leave the room during the day, unless you have some very GOOD distraction. You follow me around the house all day long, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom... you name it, you get around! You love to snuggle with momma for daily naps, and every night before bed. I get multiple "kiss attacks" from you daily when you grab both my cheeks and slobber me all over! Everyday we take time to read books together, dance, listen to music, snuggle up on the couch, and play with toys. We play, play, play together all day, and you are just my best little buddy.

You have so many people and family members that love you so much! So many little friends here too! You have such loving grandparents on both sides who just love you to pieces! You have a special relationship with your Grandma Ratinen, who you just adore. Whenever she is in the room you do NOT leave her side! It's very sweet.

Your father loves you more than can be put into words. He takes special time out of each morning to wake up early with you, so he can get some alone playtime with you. He can make you laugh harder than anyone else! The two of you love to play "rough" and roll around and have a great time!

Owen, you are a very special part of our family. You make our family feel more complete and have brought all of us closer together. This past year has gone by TOO fast, you are growing and learning everyday by the minute. I still cannot believe that my little newborn has become a toddler! We are so grateful everyday for your presence in our little family, and can't believe how lucky we are to have such a happy, healthy baby boy. The joy, love, and happiness you bring is beyond comparison. I know that every mother says this too, but I never knew how much I could LOVE someone until you came along. I think its only a love a parent can experience, and a love that you cannot describe. You never cease to amaze me and I'm sure you never will! Here is to another year of watching you grow and learn!

I love you,

- Crawl, crawl, crawl!
- Clap
- Dance
- Wave
- Point to things he wants
- Sign "more"
- Understand many words like: 'look', 'lunch', 'dinner', 'stop', 'dance', 'no', 'kiss', etc.
- Give lots of kisses
- "blow" kisses (sort of)
- Pull up on things
- Stand for only a moment
- Feed himself snacks
- Make Cow and Sheep noises
- Get into plenty of mischief!

Owen Likes:
- Naps with Momma
- Stuffed Animals
- Eating (his favorites are: yogurt, grapes, string cheese, graham crackers, and crunchies)
- Giving kisses
- Play time with friends
- Balls
- Morning playtime with Daddy
- Bath time
- Looking out the wind0w
- Dancing/ Music

Owen did have a birthday party on Saturday... Here is a little sneak peek! I will post more pictures soon...


Debbie Cannon said...

Congratulations to Owen for all he has accomplished in a year...and a very Happy First Birthday! Yeah! Your blog was so sweet, it almost made me cry. We are so happy for all of you!

Kasey said...

That almost made me cry. I have already cried a little today so I don't want to again. Today i want to stop time too. Some days are just like that. Happy birthday Owen!

Cassie Rowse said...

I can't believe that Adia and Owen are exactly one year apart or that Owen is that old! I seriously just keep thinking he's 6 months old. He is adorable.