We are always lucky to have such a great Christmas time together... this year was no exception. This year wasn't much different then the past few years, but we LOVE those same traditions!! This year I felt a little frantic in my Christmas shopping, for some reason Shad and I had a hard time coming up with gift ideas for everyone. And as always, Shad proved hard to shop for! But it all came together very well!
Christmas Eve started off for me by going into work for most of the morning into the afternoon. When I got home I had a little bit of time to relax before we started our annual festivities. We went to the Lomeli's home for a delicious dinner and dessert, a gift exchange, reading the Christmas story from Luke, and a small talent show.
Karen brought out one of Isaac's old wooden trains for Owen to play with during dinner, Owen LOVED it!

And to all our surprise, they surprised Owen with one of his own!!!

We had our little talent show, and Isaac WOWED us (as always) with his amazing singing/songwriting skills.

Owen, like all of us, were amazed by his talent! He enjoyed listening to the music with Grandpa.

When we got home from the Lomeli's we started on our own Christmas Eve Traditions, by taking the annual family pictures in front of the tree.
My cute boys... soon to add another little guy!!!

After the pictures we got Owen all ready for bed, passed out our gifts (most of which were for the Owenator!), and opened presents! Like always, my parents spoiled us all rotten! Shad got a much needed upgrade to his work/professional wardrobe with new socks, shoes, ties, slacks, shirts, etc. I was totally spoiled with a brand new wide angle lens from my parents, and Shad got me a beautiful necklace to match one of my favorite rings my dad got for me when I graduated high school! And Owen was spoiled from both us and my parents; getting TONS of trains, cars, trucks, play doh, clothes, books, and toys!
Opening gifts, we all took turns helping Owen rip into each one:

Owen kept saying "Amazing!" every time he opened a new gift. We didn't even know he knew that word! So cute!

One of his favorite gifts was a "biiiiiiiiiiiiig pillow" from grandma and grandpa with cars and trucks on it.

Here is the necklace Shad got me, he was very proud of his find that matched so well to my ring! (Its my birthstone)

Christmas morning was special this year because Shad's sister Jessica came into town from Las Vegas for the Holiday, so we got to go over and join Shad's two sisters (Heidi and Jessica) and their families and exchange MORE gifts and enjoy a traditional 'McOmber Christmas' morning with them. (Since my family doesn't open gifts in the morning and Shad's does.) It was so much fun to hang out with all of our 4 nieces (and Owen) and watch them open presents. We ate DELICIOUS homemade cinnamon rolls and breakfast, and just enjoyed each others company. It made Christmas THAT much more special, especially for Shad to get some time with his family.
Heidi's beautiful girls:

Heidi opening her "mystery gift" from her husband Steven:

Our cute niece, Caydence. She is about 10 days older than Owen.

I, for some reason, didn't get a good picture of them two together. Owen got some 'Cars' characters from Heidi for Christmas, which he loved; but that also happens to be Caydence's favorite movie too! So... we had some sharing issues!

After we spent Christmas morning with them we came home, got dressed, and helped set up for my parents annual Christmas dinner. This year we had close to 25 guests! My parents always go ALL OUT on food, dessert, decorations, and games. We had a HUGE dinner complete with turkey, prime rib, and salmon, plus all the side fix-in's!
Here is the beautiful Christmas set up... taken with my NEW wide angle!

My dad and Shad opened up the evening to our guests with a Traditional Finnish Christmas welcoming song. (Owen was dancing along side them!)

Owen, of course, stole the show with his sheer cuteness!

Our yummy dessert table... my mom baked for days!

Some of our best friends, The Fischer's, joined us for all the Christmas fun. They don't have any family here, so we are happy to step in and be family to them as well! :)

Shad and I also went over to their house for New Years Eve, we played some games, and indulged in some yummy cheese fondue, ice cream, and other goodies! We didn't actually stay and ring in the New Year with them because I am 8+ months pregnant and can hardly stay up past ten, and because we wanted to get home before all those crazy drunks got out on the road. Shad and I did end up watching the Space Needle fireworks on TV together before I completely zonked out!
Happy Christmas and New Year!! I hope yours was filled with as much love as ours. We always have so much to be grateful for, and are especially grateful to our Savior who has given us everything. I love to celebrate his birth and life at Christmas time. He is the reason we are so blessed.