Shad and I had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving this year!! I was originally supposed to work the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, however, my wonderful co-worker volunteered to cover my shifts, so we got to spent 5 blissful days at home! Hooray! This was Shad's first Thanksgiving with my family, so that also made it a little extra special, and my first Thanksgiving at home for 3 years. So we drove down on Wednesday morning, and spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday day visiting fam (Shad's sister Heidi lives there too, so we got to see her and her three girls, who we just love!) and just hanging out around home, just being together. And enjoying delicious goodness on Thursday (Yum!)!! Then on Saturday we went downtown and spent the day walking around and shopping. It was such a great day for walking around, I just love it there this time of year, with all the Christmas decor, and people everywhere. Then we stopped by the Seattle Temple on the way home, we just walked around the grounds, and enjoyed the view. Which was GREAT, because Shad and I haven't been back since we were married. We also helped put up my parents Christmas tree and decorations. Then, sadly, we drove back on Sunday night after attending my family ward. We are lucky that we live so close that we can drive, plus gas is getting cheaper!! It was an awesome mini vacation, and so nice to get away for a bit. Plus, we heard it snowed a bit here in Spokane, suckers! So here are some pics of our weekend, I posted a lot... so enjoy! Hehe!

Prepping delicious dinner, we all look so intense! I was making stuffing!
Shad and I getting ready to stuff our faces, Mmmm...
Our beautiful Thanksgiving Table!
Making Robert Redford, the most delicious dessert in the world, yup, you should be jealous.
One my favorite places in the world, downtown Seattle.
This is where we took some of our first pictures as husband and wife, almost two and a half years ago!
Pretty fall pic, they had just shined up the Moroni.
My wonderful parents! Happy Thanksgiving!