Oh man, I tried to blog about this LAST week... but the ONE DAY I had time to do it, blogger was DOWN ALL DAY LONG!!! Grrr. And it didn't save my post. ARGH! I'm ticked. So... I had to start ALL OVER!
On the weekend of Mothers Day my best friend, Kambria, was sealed and married to her sweetheart in the SLC temple on May 7th. It was so wonderful to be a part of her BIG day and be there for all the wedding hype and the day itself. It tuned out beautiful, nothing short of perfection, per Kam's excellent planning and taste! :) The whole fam had a great time!
Getting there was a whole other story! Since I have known Kam, my entire life (since I was 3) she is also very close to my parents and family, so we all had to travel down there. Shad was still in Spokane in the midst of finals, so he was going to fly down Friday morning to meet us in SLC. I flew on Thursday, without Owen to enjoy a pampered girls day with Kambria and all the bridesmaids. And my saintly parents drove down all day Thursday with Owen from Washington to Utah!! I know, they are AWESOME! All day long with a toddler in the car! Oh man! They didn't make it there until close to 1 AM! But we all made it there safe and sound!
Thursday, like I said was a day of pampering and fun. We all got manicures and pedicures. And then later we went out for a Cinco de Mayo Bachelorette celebration with authentic Mexican food, and dancing! So fun, but sadly I didn't have my camera, so no pics.
Friday I went to the Bountiful Temple with my parents while Kambria went through the temple for the first time. It was very sweet to see Kambria and her fiancee, Preston together the day before their wedding in the temple. Shad flew in that morning and stayed behind with Owen, since it had been TWO WEEKS since he'd seen us, he wanted some quality time with Owen. Also his mom drove up from Orem to visit with him and Owen. And so did his sister-in-law Megan, with her two boys, Keldan and Konner to visit! It was good to see them!
Me, with my parents outside the Temple:
The Happy Couple: Kambria and Preston
Me and Kam, with her brother Isaac 
Our Nephews: Keldan and Konner!
Then Friday night Shad and I attended the rehearsal dinner. It was an intimate affair with just immediate family and the wedding party. It was an excellent meal, filled with tears of joy for the couple and many speeches dedicated to them!
A sweet moment I caught of the two of them!
This is the only decent picture I had of all the bridesmaids at the dinner, of course Isaac HAD to be in this one! :)
Saturday, the BIG day! I got ready with the girls in Kambria's hotel suite and sent her off to get married!! The other bridesmaids, who were not members, graciously volunteered to watch Owen while Shad and I, along with my parents, could attend the sealing. Sadly, I did not take my camera to the temple grounds so I got NO outside shots of them coming out, or all of us girls waiting outside, or cute Owen dressed up outside. After picture-mania, we went out for a quick bite at Rumbi (a personal Utah FAV of Shad and mine!) and got ready to go to the reception. The reception was beautiful, it was very formal... all black and white. And everything came together beautifully!
The only picture I have of "outside" the temple, and this was the night before walking home from the rehearsal dinner. But I was pretty proud of this shot!
Here is the reception ballroom. Everything was so pretty
The Cake:
The table settings:

Owen fell asleep during the dinner portion of the evening... and was not too happy to wake up!
First Dance:
Cutting the Cake:
They had a Mariachi band come in and play, and of course everyone got crazy! My mother, could not resist! This is with Karen, Kam's mom... they are also BEST FRIENDS!!
Even Owen got in on the dancing!
This as the only OK picture I have of the two of us! She looked stunning!
Me with my pal, Alyssa, she was a bridesmaid at my wedding!!!!
My parents all dressed up!
Me with my boys all dressed up!
Sending them off to a blissful honeymoon in Mexico!!!
And I realized after I got home that I never took a picture of the full bridesmaid get-up. It was obviously, just a basic black dress... but these were the SHOES she made me wear... all 5+ inches of them...
It was such a fast and furious trip to Utah it was weird not going down to Provo! But I'm so glad that we could all be there to celebrate Kambria and Preston's wedding day. I loved every second! CONGRATS Mr. & Mrs. Thomas!