Like I had mentioned in my last post, on Memorial Day we took Owen to the Seattle Zoo! Oh man, we had so much fun!!! We decided to head over there right when it opened to ensure optimal zoo time, and before nap time! :) We ended up spending most of the day there! Owen loves animals, and is actually pretty fearless when it comes to petting animals and wanting to be close. So much so, that he was ready to literally climb/jump the fence of some of the animals and run after them! (e.i. the Giraffe!) He loved every second. Watching his face expressions and reactions to the animals was priceless! He is at such a fun age right now where he is just exploring the world around him. He loves to walk around and jabber all day long! He loves to make animal noises and I swear this kid is learning 2 or 3 words a day! I know I always say this, but really... can we PLEASE freeze time... please???
Please enjoy the many faces of Owen:
"Oh my gosh dad! Did you see that!?!" When he is super excited he grabs our faces!


Don't they look like you could just snuggle them??

I like this one because he was smiling for me!

For anyone of you who know Shad really well... you know that this is TOTALLY a Shad face!!!

Waving at the monkeys:

I think Owen may have enjoyed "petting" these statues more than the actual animals.

He loves to take our hands and guide us around. He's pretty much the boss around here.

More statues... I actually have a similar picture in the same spot when I am just a few years older than Owen!

The Lion... Owen growled at him the whole time!

The Giraffe exhibit was actually kind of lame, which is why Owen wanted to climb the fences to get a better look!

Trying to get a better look... at Daddy's expense!

Owen LOVES birds... daily he requests all the window blinds open so he can "bird watch." So getting to feed the birds was a real treat!

And the zoo did not disappoint in the bird department, it offered A LOT of types!

The mountain goat posed for us nicely.

The gorillas ended up being one of our favorite exhibits. Very cool.
They actually had a dinosaur exhibit too, but you had to pay to get in. So we decided against it... but this was a "preview" to it. And the only family picture we took.
And finally, I think this picture pretty much sums up the day:
I'm excited for our next zoo trip!!