We're back!!! And we actually have been back for just over a week now, but I am just now getting sorted through all 1200 of our trip pictures and have had MANY requests to post pics. So finally here I am. Shad is DONE with the BAR exam and we will have results in October (UGH so long to wait!!)... but I'm happy to have a husband again.
I will mostly let the pictures tell the story of our trip with this blog and a couple more the follow. But I will start off by saying that Owen was GREAT on the trip!! He did so well, much better than I could have ever imagined. So thanks for all your advice, tips, and helpful hints! They all worked, and we just have a master world traveler on our hands! :) Both the plane ride there and back was smooth... A few meltdowns here and there, but nothing we couldn't quickly handle with a toy/grandma/or snacks. He adjusted better than any of us to a new sleep schedule. In face he slept better and later there than he does here!!! We really only had one rough night right after we got there, and it wasn't so bad... and then he was cured of jet-lag!
The only hiccup of the trip, as far as Owen is concerned, was two days before the trip he had started getting a watery eye. He has had it several times before, I always credited it to allergies, and it always went away after a day or two. Well... being on a nasty airplane for close to 14 hours, you will pick up all kinds of germs. After we got there the eye started getting worse and worse, and was red all on the OUTSIDE and eyelid, plus it started gooping. So we had to take him to the local doctors office, pay a nice non-resident fee, spend about two seconds with the actual doctor for him to prescribe an eye drop that cleared it up within three days. But other than that... nothing too major. :)
Our trip was mostly a quiet one. It was a lot of family time and not a lot of adventure. We spent most of the trip at my Grandma's (Mummo's) house up in northern Finland. Getting there always takes a long time... after two plane rides and 20-24 hours of travel we arrive in Helsinki. We then rented a car and drove about two hours to my aunts house where we spend a couple days recovering from jet-lag. Then we drive another 9 HOURS to my Mummo's house way up north! We spent about two weeks there, where my dad and Shad did many household projects for her and helped all around the yard and house. We played outside everyday with Owen and spent a lot of time reading and down time. It was actually nice to have some quiet time, especially after Shad had been SO busy taking the bar exam!
Here come the MANY, many pictures (Remember this is PART 1 of 3!!):
This me with two of my cousins: Heli and Henri. It was fun to catch up with them for a bit.
In front of my aunts house the day we left for Mummos, before the 9 hour trek!
After we got to Mummo's we got right to work with berry (currents) picking!
Just up the street from Mummo's is this wonderful little park, with beautiful Finnish sights to see.
Just near the park, is also an old steam train... we just HAD to show Owen. He loved it!
My Mummo can make anything grow... seriously. She has the most amazing garden and collection of flowers. And a HUGE yard.
Did I mention he LOVED being outside?
Shad helped out with yard work, including mowing the lawn, which took about 4-5 hours!
My dad and his brother built new Sauna benches for her. Which turned out awesome.
Owen also got some time with his great-grandma... It took some time to warm up to her, but he eventually did!
Mummo made us a delicious dinner everyday. Including one night of Moose meat! (Not exactly my favorite!)
Owen was excited when he saw the smoke coming from the Sauna, because that meant...
...BATH TIME!! He loved it in the Sauna! A true Finn!
Clean boy... all ready for bed!
The last day at Mummo's we took some nice family pictures together.
This is the end of Part 1. Its a little out of order because you will see more pictures with my grandma in them, but I thought the way I divided it up worked out better. You'll see... For now, its 11 PM and I'm going to bed! More pictures from Finland SOON! :)
What a great trip! How fun to be able to go with your parents and take your hubby and little one. SO glad that Owen was good for you, that makes traveling so much better when the babies are happy!
I am so happy that the traveling with Owen turned out so well! He is such a cutie and I loved all the pictures. The four generation one is priceless! Thank you for the Skype session too! It is nice that Shad has more time. I am glad he got put to work in Finland. I hope he finds some good work here too! Miss you all!
So many great pictures--LOVE all the flowers! LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of Owen in the lil tub!! SO CUTE!!!! And he looks like, "OH yeah!" ha ha love you guys!
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