Just thought I would give a little update on what we've been up too since Finland. Summer has been treating us well!! The weather here in Seattle has been amazing... we are experiencing one of the BEST late summers ever. Everyday has been gorgeous! Naturally we are taking full advantage of nice summer days, before the rain comes, and before Shad hopefully lands a job. Here is a bit of what we have been doing on these lazy summer days:
-Shad has been job searching, job searching, job searching... even though the odds of him landing a "real" attorney position are slim before he receives bar results our hopes are high! (Keep us in your prayers!) But he has stayed pretty busy applying for jobs, revising his resume, sending emails to contacts... just waiting for that right something to come along.
-I've been busy growing a baby! The belly has popped out and I can certainly feel our little peanut moving. It feels more and more real everyday and we are eagerly COUNTING down the days until we find out BOY or GIRL!!! We find out in THREE days... Thursday! (Leave your guess as a comment!! What do you think??) I honestly have NO idea what this little one will be. I thought by now I would have some sort of incline towards one or other, but I don't! With Owen, I KNEW it was a boy from the beginning.
-We've been CHEERING on our Cougars. Despite the sad loss on Saturday, we are staying TRUE to our Cougars! This picture is blurry because I was trying to capture Owen running around and saying "TOUCHDOWN" just after we scored!
-We've been playing in the Pool! This little $5 pool was a GREAT investment, HOURS of fun!
-We've been hanging out at the parks and lakes! I think everyday or at least every other day we go and explore some new park/lake. Its fun to go out as a family pack a lunch or dinner and enjoy the summer sun! Owen is pretty fearless when it comes to water!
-We've been enjoying friends at the lake! This was on Labor Day at Dashpoint State Park, a little bit crowded and a little bit smelly, but still lots of fun! Also our great friends from law school moved over here last month, and we have been enjoying lots of time with them! (This is Owen and Harrison)
-Owen has been busy playing! His new passion: cars, trucks, tractors, & trains!!! All day long that's all we hear about "cars...pease!!" He also loves "Pa's truck" in the garage and repeatedly asks to go out and play in it.
-Shad's been busy with his calling with the YM. He really enjoys his calling serving with the deacons... and our ward sure has a big deacons quorum! Last week he went on a 10 mile biking trip, and this last weekend he went on a campout with the boys to do a 20 mile bike trip! He enjoyed it!

-We enjoyed a family day at the Puyallup fair! So fun, so HOT, and so crowded!! After we finally found a parking spot and got in for FREE, we hogged out on some serious fair food! Owen LOVED all the animals and was really excited to see all the TRACTORS!! It made his day!
-Shad and I had a fun date night at the Mariners game! We watched them WIN, complete with two home runs! Made for a fun game and night out together. Even better, it was "value night" so each ticket was $5 off and they had $2 hot dogs!! (I ate two... one for me... one for baby!)
- Owen has also been busy learning, talking, and growing!!! Oh man, he is learning SO much everyday. He talks all day long. And is constatly surprising Shad and I with new words. I swear everyday Shad and I look at each other and say "I didn't even know he knew that... did you!?" Here is my mommy BRAG moment... Owen is a smarty pants. After showing off his skills to many other moms, friends, strangers, etc. I'm convinced he just loves to learn! Here is what our little 19 month old can do:
-Count to 12
- Recognize numbers
- Recognize his letters (almost all of them)/Recite ABCs
- Spell his name
- Knows shapes
- Learning colors
- Knows animals sounds
Overall we've just been trying to enjoy this family time that we have together and wonderful weather!
I was just saying to my mom like two days ago that I thought you'd be finding out what you were having pretty soon. I hope it's a GIRL because girls rock :) ha ha but I ahve NO idea!! Looks like you guys are having TONS of fun, I am so jealous!! there is nothing family oriented to do here in las Vegas :( miss you guys!
I want it to be a girl! You should compare how your belly is shaped compared to last time and think about if there is any difference in how sick you are and what you crave.
I am so glad that you guys have had such an awesome summer. Sounds like fun! I am sad, however, that over thanksgiving when we are in spokane we wont get to see yall. AND, I can't wait until you find out what you're having!! I am saying a boy. Just because that's what I think. It's probably influenced because secretly I wanted a little boy to be Elijah's playmate (although I wouldn't trade Audrey for anything)
1- You are looking SO good. You are one of those cute, pregnant women I always wished I was.
2- Yes, we are also loving, loving, loving this late warm weather! Live it up--I fear it's almost over!
3-You're little boy is a SMARTY PANTS! You have reason to brag. HE IS SMART! Good luck with that Harvard tuition!!! ;)
I enjoy your post so much Krista! It is so fun to see all you are doing together. I am grateful for your little family and am looking forward to the new addition. Either one I will love. :}
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