Wind: NE at 5 mph
Humidity: 59%

Oh man, as you can see by the forecast it has been ridiculously cold here!!!! We had a crazy winter storm move in over the weekend and it is absolutely FRIGID! The highs are not even in the teens! And the lows are sub-zero temps!! The wind chill makes it even colder... like negative 16! It has been so windy here that the moment you step outside it moves through you and chills you inside out. But I know what you are thinking... wow, that's cold. But at least you have a nice warm bed and apartment to come home to and have a nice cup of hot chocolate. Nope, you'd be wrong! Shad and I being the poor students that we are rarely turn on our heater, because gas is too expensive and we just don't have the luxury of heat! But in this cold weather we really have no alternative, so we turned it on this morning before church so we can come home to a warm house afterwards, on the way home we were ready for a nice and toasty home, but we walked and soon realized our heater stopped working! Of all days to stop working it has decided to go out during the winter storm. So we are totally freezing here at home. This picture is of Shad studying... INSIDE the house for his finals. Notice he is equipped with two coats, a hat, and thick blanket! I am sporting long johns, two sweaters, and three pairs of socks. I made soup for dinner, that hit the spot perfectly and warmed us up briefly, and then warm brownies for dessert! And I left the oven on extra long to heat up the kitchen while I cooked! I opened up the oven and stood over it for a little bit to toast up my nose which I'm pretty sure is growing icicles! And to top it off for my Laurel activity this Tuesday, we are suppose to go caroling!?! I wanted to skip out, but I was just put in charge of it today as the adult leader!!! Oh man! Any ideas on how to keep warm??? Just when I thought Provo was too cold for us! Burrrrrr!!
Buy a little space heater. We had one when we were first married that we used to heat our apartment cause it was so much cheater than turning on our regular heat. You can even get ones that have temp settings, and they're not terribly expensive. Good luck keeping warm, I don't know how you are doing it!
krista krista!!!! i was just roaming kirsten's blog list and saw your name, it is so so fun to see what you are up to!! i LOOOve your short hair, so cute on you. yay, you look so happy!
ha ha!!!! This reminds me of when I lived at that crap apartment in Provo and I never used light or the heater, remember?? ha ha!!! Sad that your heater went out though, for real. That sucks!!!! But, if it makes you feel any better that i'm miserable too...IT SNOWED TODAY IN LAS VEGAS...that's right, the day before my birthday!!!!! I think God hates me.
umm....brrr. I feel cold just reading your post. So sad. I hope your heater is working by now...
Yeah Shad really does look cold in that picture. You should go caroling to people you know so that maybe they will let you come in and warm up while you sing to them. Good luck with that, and prepare lots of Hot Cocoa.
Man, I'm so sorry, that's awful! We came home from Thanksgiving break and our heat was blowing cold air! We just had to get our pilot light lit though. I hope you can have heat soon. We had our first big snow today here. It's winter I guess. Stay warm!
We are cold too. Our heaters work but the apartment windows are cheap and let in too much cold I've been putting blankets on the windows. Towels in front of doors to block out more drafts. Remember the first tiny apartment we lived in it was a basement. We used a space heater and the oven for two years. The heater was so old and nasty looking we never turned it on for fear of an explosion. I put a clean pair of PJs under Jonas outfit today to keep him warmer. It really is a cold storm.
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